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Thursday 22 December 2011

The Best and Worst of Times

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AppId is over the quota
September 19th 2011

Today was a difficult day for my roommate Hayley. She lost her 17-year-old brother a year ago to the day. It is really hard for her to be apart from her family right now, but Devin and I have been doing our best to support her. Hayley asked us to go with her to the beach tonight to light a candle in her brother’s honor. When we told Milagros and Jesus where we were going, they insisted that they go with us for support. It was really touching to see two people take on a parenting role to a couple of girls who they haven’t known for more than a few weeks. Jesus told us to think of him as a real father while we are here.

When we got to the beach, Hayley, Devin, Jesus, Milagros and I had to huddle really close together to block the wind so we could light the candle. We had a few minutes of silence for Brandon and then Jesus opened the backpack he brought and pulled out three long wooden sticks and stuck them into the ground and lit them. He is a kung fu instructor and is

fascinated by Chinese culture. He explained to us that in China, this is how they light they way for loved ones lost and that there had to be three because two and four were considered unlucky numbers. It was incredible that he thought to honor Hayley’s brother in a way that was special and unique like that. After the beach, Hayley, Devin and I went on to a park with an ocean view to light the candle again. I asked Hayley if she would mind if I said a prayer for Brandon and we all closed our eyes and took turns saying something. I think it meant a lot to Hayley. She shared her favorite memories she has of her and her brother with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. It was a good night for our family here, despite the sad occasion.

Tuesday September 20th, 2011

When I went into the kitchen to make some breakfast before school, I was surprised to find two notes tucked into small colorful paper envelopes. I grabbed one and took out the note to find my name on it. The note said “Buenos dias! Jerica, que seas

muy feliz en este precioso dia. Que hables mucho espanol! Ja, ja, ja…” For those of you who don’t speak Spanish, the note said “Good morning! Jerica, I hope that you may be happy on this precious day. I hope that you speak a lot of Spanish! Ha, ha, ha…”. We later found out that Jesus had written the notes for us. It made my day, because it reminded me of the notes that my mom use to put in my lunchbox when I was younger.
I went to the library to study after class for a few hours… I was trying to stay busy so I wouldn’t have to think about the fact that Blake and I were apart on our 3 year anniversary. I did get to Skype with him on his lunch break, so that was great. I can’t believe it has been 3 years!

After dinner, Hayley and I met up with some of the international students from our class and went to a bar for Salsa dancing lessons. It was so much fun! Our instructor just had us get behind him and imitate his steps and then after a few minutes of practice he

would pair us up with a random guy and we would practice with partners. He said I was a natural =). I hope salsa dancing becomes a weekly ritual!

Wednesday September 21st, 2011

It was difficult to get up this morning because we didn’t get home from salsa dancing until about 1:30 AM. I wasn’t in the best of moods for some reason, but that didn’t last long. Jesus walked into our room with a huge box and said it was for me! I opened it to find that Blake had sent me the most beautiful flowers! I was surprised, because I didn’t expect him to send me anything since we are so far apart. He is always so incredibly sweet to me and I love him. You are the best Blake!

It is about 4 PM here in Cadiz and I need to go study so I will do well on my final on Friday. Wish me luck!


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